Business process management within a DMS

Business process management within a DMS

Business process management (BPM), as the name suggests, focuses on the various processes that help run the organization. It aims to optimize processes in the best way possible so that the organization is both efficient and cost effective.
Document management is tied in with BPM. Creating a document, storing it or even sending it across to a higher-up are all processes for which most organizations have a dedicated structure which is followed. Dynamic Case Management and Enterprise Content Management are two forms of BPM which heavily rely on a document management system to work.
A document management system (DMS) with workflow features is especially helpful in the execution of a BPM in an organization. GLOBODOX is an eDMS which contains many features that makes it perfect in improving the efficiency of your organization’s processes.

A Single and Safe Repository

GLOBODOX helps you build a single repository which your whole organization has access to. This means one thing – all the files can be accessed from one place.No more do the organization’s receipts just stay with the accounts. It is open to all who have access.
Add in a security-level to every user. Every user id has a security level which deems which folders he can access. Making a backup of all the files can be very easy. This way, if ever there is a serious loss of data for the organization, it can be easily reconstructed using the backup.

Easily Add Files

Everyday, every employee will be creating new documents. Some of them will be reports, articles, spreadsheets, etc. GLOBODOX’s easy drag and drop feature ensures that it is effortless to add files to the repository.
Additionally, the Capture Folder feature ensures that as a folder is updated with files, they are automatically added to the organization’s repository.

Review the Event Log

A manager can easily review the activities of a person on GLOBODOX through the event log. This way, there is a thread to find out what went wrong in BPM and the problem can be fixed.

Connect with Your Organization’s Workflow

GLOBODOX allows you to create your own custom workflow which fits in with your organization’s process. You can easily route document to users based on the rules of your organization. Integrating your workflow with GLOBODOX is extremely easy.
You can adapt GLOBODOX to send tasks, messages and notifications from your workflow so users know about urgent tasks and documents which need their attention.
Workflow Designer helps you create a compatible workflow that fits in with your organization and GLOBODOX.

Standard Publishing Format

Using GLOBODOX, your organization can set a standard format to publish any document. This way, documents always carry a stamp and signature. This can be done in tandem with the organization’s workflow. This further helps manage multiple teams’ publications in the organization.
All in all, GLOBODOX is an eDMS that can easily be customized to fit to your large organization’s process. It will be convenient, smoother processes, improve productivity and reduced costs.

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