Globodox Core is now Globodox Standard

Globodox Core is now Globodox Standard

With the release of version 7, Globodox Core has been renamed Globodox Standard. Here is what you need to know about the change:

  1. No change in prices – neither for the software itself not for Upgrade and Support.
  2. More modules (add-ons) are available for Globodox Standard than were available for Globodox Core. Find out which ones they are >>
  3. If you already own Globodox Core licenses, any further licenses you buy for that product will not affect your use of Globodox Core – you can continue using the software as Globodox Core. If you decide to upgrade to Version 7 or any other future version, the upgrade setup will automatically rename your installation from Globodox Core to Globodox Standard.

If you have any queries, write to us at (for pre-purchase queries) or (for technical issues).Get Globodox Standard now!


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