Find case documents and agreements — in seconds — and collaborate securely
Automate processes and save time for your client meetings!
Can law firm operations really be made more efficient?
After time, probably the biggest challenge faced by law firms is of managing their documents. Admitted, it is sometimes convenient to refer to paper-based documents that are lengthy but must be read. Yet, when it comes to managing them, it’s a different issue altogether. No lawyer wants to spend hours every week simply looking for documents; especially when they need to toggle between multiple documents related to the same client. It would be a nightmare! Thanks to electronic document management systems, finding documents is just a matter of a few clicks.
That’s not all – finding the document is only the beginning of work. Document management systems help you organize files in multiple ways, store indexing information, share and restrict documents on a need basis and do much more. Yes, with a legal document management software, law firm operations can, in fact, be made far more efficient. GLOBODOX is one such solution that helps make your office efficient in a quick and easy way. It helps you save time, reduce operating costs, and releases you from routine administrative tasks so you can work on the facts of the case.
How does a legal document management software like GLOBODOX improve law firm operations?
Quickly add documents
A document management system like GLOBODOX lets you scan both your paper archives as well as your current paper-based documents using simple steps. You can also drag and drop your existing folder structure from your PC or laptop. No need to rearrange files – GLOBODOX retains them as they were! So if you created client wise folders on your laptop, GLOBODOX will retain that folder tree after importing it.
Centralized repository of documents
Both your old as well as current documents are stored in the same repository. This means it is equally easy to access historical records like past judgments, agreements with old clients, etc. Not only this, GLOBODOX stores all types of files – be they PDFs of agreements, letters typed in MS Word, images in various formats, etc.
Organize as per your needs
GLOBODOX lets you organize your documents by folders, tags (keywords), document types (e.g. Invoice, Email, Agreements, etc.) and even client wise. For example, you can create a Stack Type in GLOBODOX called Clients. Add a stack for each client by their name (or their firm’s name if it is an organization). You can then link all documents related to that client to this stack. Say you want to refer to an agreement, a letter from the client and a past judgment in a similar case. Instead of searching for these documents in different folders, you simply need to open the client’s stack and double-click the links. All it takes to access the three documents is a few seconds! Not only this, but you can also store records in GLOBODOX without having to store documents; e.g. an address book.
Print, Fax, Email
Who says using a document management system will lead to an entirely paperless office? Sometimes you may need to print off a page for someone to whom you cannot email the document. Or maybe you need to fax the document or email it to someone else. You can do all of this from within the GLOBODOX interface. This helps you run your law firm operations smoothly.
Securely collaborate
Want to share a document with only certain users? GLOBODOX offers document-level access control, encryption, etc. to keep your law firm’s files secured. You can choose to share documents with a select group of users for review and editing. Then save them as draft documents “Under Review.” Other users will only get to access the previous version of the document. Let another set of users review the changes made by you and your team. Once approved, you can “Publish” the document. Now it will be visible to all users who are authorized to access it.
Automate work processes
Law firms work with invoices, agreements, letters to clients, etc. all the time. These documents need to be reviewed by you before they can be sent out to the clients. GLOBODOX is a legal document management software that offers integrated workflow features that let you automatically route documents for review, approval, etc. For example, if you need to review an agreement that your assistant has drafted, they simply need to initiate a review workflow that your IT or you might have created. You will automatically be notified by GLOBODOX that you need to review this document. The draft can even be attached to the workflow task. This will make your review job easier. You can even check-out the document for inserting a clause or making other changes if required – then check it back in. This process of automatic routing of documents is far speedier and simpler than having the file move from desk to desk. Now you can spend more time on client meetings and other more strategic tasks.