Tag: Document

It pays to celebrate World Paper Free Day…

It pays to celebrate World Paper Free Day…

The fourth Thursday of October is celebrated as World Paper Free Day. This year it falls on the 27th. It’s a day full of exciting activities in organizations around the world. Why so much buzz around this day? There are 2 main motivators that get...

How to never miss a payment again!

How to never miss a payment again!

Keeping track of invoices received from multiple vendors over a period of time can be challenging, more so as your business grows. Retrieving the invoices due for payment can be time consuming if you begin to look through various folders that are...

Download the latest version of Globodox!

Download the latest version of Globodox!

It’s been almost 2 weeks since we released version 7.2 of Globodox. This is a follow-up blog post to the new version release announcement.If you are already using Globodox but not the latest version (7.2), we advise you to visit the download page...


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