Tag: Spanish language

New Version of Globodox almost here!

New Version of Globodox almost here!

We’ve got some exciting news for you – the next update version of Globodox is almost here! This release will bring more features and overall, a better user experience. You can also expect to see Globodox available in a few other languages. Our...

Globodox Version 7.5 Released – Download Now!

Globodox Version 7.5 Released – Download Now!

We are happy to announce the release of Globodox version 7.5! Globodox 7.5 comes to you with highly useful features, improved performance as well as language support! You can download the full setup or the update setup from the Downloads page...

Spanish versions of Globodox & Sohodox to launch soon

Spanish versions of Globodox & Sohodox to launch soon

Spanish versions of Globodox & Sohodox to launch soon Image via Wikipedia Users could always create field names and enter data in the language of their choice but the menu and dialogs have only been available in English. Based on a number of...


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