The document encryption feature allows you to store documents checked in or added to Globodox in an encrypted form.
Why encrypt documents?
When you add a document to a Globodox database (DB), it gets added to a Windows folder, called a File Store. Every Globodox DB has its own File Store. If you have not enabled document encryption, then anyone who uses Windows Explorer (bypassing Globodox) to try accessing that document can gain unauthorized access. But if you have enabled document encryption for that Globodox DB, any document you add to that Globodox DB will be encrypted before it is stored in its default File Store.
“What if I want to edit the document from Globodox?
If you have logged in to Globodox, you are already authenticated as a user. So when you open the document, you will be able to view it. Also, if you want to edit the document, you can do so by checking it out. As you have already been authenticated, you will be able to check out the document for editing after opening it provided, of course, you have the privileges to modify the document.
By default, Globodox automatically encrypts all documents added to it or checked in. You can choose to disable auto-encryption and instead choose to selectively encrypt documents as per your choice. You can also choose to set different encryption strengths based on the level of security you desire.
To learn more about document encryption in Globodox, refer to the online help manual section Document Encryption or the same section in the Help area of your Globodox application or the downloadable PDF version of the manual.
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