Speeding up your GLOBODOX

Speeding up

By default when you install Globodox, it creates and uses a MS Access based DB. This keeps the Globodox installation simple and lets you quickly try Globodox. However for a speedier and more stable user experience, we highly recommend that you convert your DBs to any of the following three database types…
  • MS SQL Server Express
  • MS SQL Server
  • MySQL

We highly recommend that you download and run the Globodox DB Engine Installer which upgrades the database engine.
The utility is simple to use. It is completely automatic and requires almost no manual steps or configuration. Here are the steps…

  • Download the Globodox DB Engine Installer from the link below…
  • Run the gdx-db-engine-package-sqle-x64.exe (or gdx-db-engine-package-sqle-x86.exe) file you downloaded.
    The ‘Globodox DB Engine Installer‘ will be launched.
  • Enter your email id and click the Start button.

If installation succeeds…
You will see a message which says “DB Engine installation completed successfully”.

If installation fails…
If the installation fails, please click OK to send us the log files to investigate the issue.

If installation prompts for restart before the installation completes…
Please restart the machine. On restart, the Globodox DB Engine Installer will launch automatically and you will be asked if you wish to proceed. Click Yes to proceed.

That is it! If you hit any problem, simply drop an email to support@globodox.com

Technical Details

Read this section only if you need more technical details about the GLOBODOX databases…

A new installation of GLOBODOX sets up a MS Access based database (you do not need MS Access installed on the machine). Though this simplifies the GLOBODOX installation, GLOBODOX works best with MS SQL Server Express Edition, MS SQL Server and MYSQL based databases. The Globodox DB Engine Installer installs MS SQL Server Express Edition 2014 and converts all the existing MS Access based DBs.

Please follow the steps in the link below to convert your Access to MS SQL Server or MySQL Server…

  • Start Globodox.
  • Click on the Settings Tab. (It is located at your bottom left)
  • Click on DB List. A list of DB’s will be displayed on the right.
  • Select the DB and click on the Convert DB Option on the Ribbon bar. A message dialog will pop up informing ‘You will be logged out’.
  • Click on Yes to proceed.
  • The ‘Convert DB’ dialog will be launched.
  • Select MS SQL Server in the New DB Type drop down box.
  • The MS SQL Server Settings dialog will be launched
  • Specify the MS SQL Server credentials and click the OK button
  • Specify the Config file location on the Convert DB dialog and then click the OK button
  • Start Globodox.
  • Click on the Settings Tab. (It is located at your bottom left)
  • Click on DB List. A list of DB’s will be displayed on the right.
  • Select the DB and click on the Convert DB Option on the Ribbon bar. A message dialog will pop up informing ‘You will be logged out’.
  • Click on Yes to proceed.
  • The ‘Convert DB’ dialog will be launched.
  • Select MS SQL Server in the New DB Type drop down box.
  • The MS SQL Server Settings dialog will be launched
  • Specify the MS SQL Server credentials and click the OK button
  • Specify the Config file location on the Convert DB dialog and then click the OK buttonClick here for instructions to convert to MySQL based DB


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