
Workflow automation

Workflow Automation

A workflow is an automated, condition-driven sequence of tasks that replicate your organization’s operations in real-life. You can use GLOBODOX to design customized workflows that correspond to your business processes and automate them to save effort and time. Workflow automation also help you minimize errors inherent in manual processes.

globodox feature Design custom workflows icon inside

You can automate your accounts payable process, by creating a workflow that routes invoices for approval. Invoices could be routed to different sets of people based on the amount or other criteria. On approval, messages can be sent to the appropriate personnel for payment.

One-click routing

Route documents using automated workflows with just one-click from the main GLOBODOX interface. You can also route entire stacks of documents through workflow sequences if so required.

globodox feature One-click routing icon inside

For instance, you can create stacks for job candidates applying to your organization, consisting of their application forms or letters and other supporting documents (test results, certificates, etc.). You can then route these stacks to different concerned personnel (HR executives, senior manager, department head, etc.) for analysis and approval.

Approve or reject via email

Users can approve or reject documents that are assigned to them by simply responding to an automated workflow notification email with the word ‘Approve’ or ‘Reject’. This enables them to perform workflow tasks without having to open GLOBODOX.

globodox feature Approve and reject via email icon inside

Let’s suppose you’re traveling and receive a workflow notification email on your smartphone, requiring you approve an order form via GLOBODOX. You can simply reply to the email with the word ‘Approve’ to approve the document instead of having to wait till you have access to your computer.

Workflow notifications

Users can get notified of workflow tasks that are assigned to them in their GLOBODOX inbox. These notifications can also be received over regular email.

globodox feature Workflow notifications icon inside

For instance, you can notify a user about a task that is delayed. You can also send out notifications to users informing them that the document is approved.

Change metadata value

You can design workflows to automatically change document metadata values based on workflow actions performed by specific users.

globodox feature Change metadata value icon inside

For example, consider a workflow for getting a purchase order form approved by a number of people in the purchase department. They can create a document type named ‘Purchase Order’ with one of the indexing fields named ‘Approval Status’. The value for this field can be set to ‘Pending’ by default, which automatically changes to ‘Approved’ when the concerned people approve the document. Thus, whenever the purchase department approves a purchase order, the metadata value associated with the order form automatically changes from ‘pending’ to ‘approved’. This helps in classifying the document easily for future retrieval.

Auto-stamp and publish

Users can setup up GLOBODOX to automatically place stamps on documents after reviewing them as a part of the workflow. Users can also automatically publish a draft document after all users have approved it.

globodox feature Auto-stamp and publish icon inside

For instance, if you have a document approval process which requires stamps to be placed post approval, you can automate this step with this feature.

Reassign tasks

If a user, who is primarily assigned a workflow task, is unable to perform the task due to absence or other circumstances, these tasks can be reassigned to another user to keep the workflow running.

globodox feature Re-assign tasks icon inside

For example, if a department head, who needs to approve or reject a document, as part of a workflow task is absent, the task can be assigned to the second person in charge using GLOBODOX’s workflows.

Monitor workflows

You can monitor workflows that you have initiated and can authorize other users to do the same. You use the Workflow Monitor to see all the active workflows and the status of each workflow. Pause, resume, and cancel workflows when you need, with a single click. You can also view the logs for old and completed workflows.

globodox feature Monitor workflows icon inside

For instance, you can find out at which level the document is held up in an ongoing workflow. By looking at the report you can decide to improve the process step which is taking the most time.


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