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Quick multi-user setup

System administrators can easily setup GLOBODOX for multi-user operation by following a few simple, guided steps.


For instance, to quickly setup GLOBODOX you can initially work in single-user mode and then turn your install into multi-user in just a few steps. 

MS SQL and MySQL support

GLOBODOX supports and works well with both, MS SQL and MySQL databases. You can work with all recent versions of MS SQL Server and MS SQL Server Express (e.g. 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016). MySQL version 5.1 to 8.0 is supported. You can even convert a DB from one format to another!


For example, you could start your installation with the freely available MS SQL Server Express database. As your document repository grows you can choose to move to the better performing MS SQL Standard or Enterprises products.

Retain control over document storage

GLOBODOX doesn’t store documents inside a database but in an internal network location (e.g. NAS) or hard drive location that you decide. Thus, you have total control over where your documents are stored. Also, GLOBODOX doesn’t convert your documents to any proprietary format (unless you choose to encrypt them), which means you remain in complete control.

globodox feature Retain control over document storage icon inside

For instance, some applications change documents into proprietary formats making recovery harder in case of a disaster. Proprietary formats also make life difficult if you want to move to another system in the future.

Edit using associated applications

You can view and annotate documents of many different file formats from within GLOBODOX. You can also launch external applications (e.g., MS Word for .doc and .docx, MS Excel for .xls and .xslx, etc) to view or edit those documents.

globodox feature Edit using associated applications icon inside

For instance, your business may use video processing software which stores their data in file formats which GLOBODOX cannot edit. You can easily open such documents in their native applications from within GLOBODOX.

Rearrange PDF pages or delete pages

You can rearrange the order of pages in multi-page PDF documents and also delete selected pages if you need to.

globodox feature Rearrange PDF pages or delete pages icon inside

Received a PDF with pages in the wrong order? Or did someone scan document pages in the wrong order? Simply use GLOBODOX to re-arrange the PDF’s pages or even delete unrequired pages.

Destination profiles

A destination profile in GLOBODOX is a template for documents having a predefined set of associated data (document type, stack, folder). You can define a destination profile for documents that you use on a frequent basis and add files without having to repeatedly organize them manually.

globodox feature Destination profiles icon inside

Let’s say you receive bills from companies ABC corporation and XYZ industries on a daily basis. You can create destination profiles for each of these documents where you define the Document Type as ‘bill’ and Stack as ‘ABC’ and ‘XYZ’ respectively. So, whenever you have to file bills from either of these companies, you only have to select the relevant destination profile and the documents will automatically be assigned the right folder, stack, and document type.


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