

Field Notification

Field notification notifies you when a Document Type or Stack Row matches the specified field criteria.

For instance, say you have a Document Type called Invoice with multiple invoices and you want email reminders for all invoices with a due date falling within the next 15 days.

To set this up, you will need to insert the following in the config file…

“database_display_name”: “MainDB”,
“entity_name”: “Invoice”,
“field_name”: “Invoice Due Date”,
“notification_period_in_days”: 15,
“globdoox_users_to_notify”: “superadmin, john”,
“email_addresses_to_notify”: johnsmith@gmail.com

In the above example, you have specified the field name as “Invoice Due Date” and the notification period as 15 days. Hence, GLOBODOX will look in the ‘Invoice Due Date’ field & send an email to johnsmith@gmail.com for every invoice that is due within the next 15-day period.

Initially this feature will only work with date-type fields. In the future this feature will be expanded to work with other field types as well.

Workflow Notification

Workflow notifications notify you about document workflow tasks assigned to you.

For instance, say a user starts a new workflow instance that you have been assigned to approve. GLOBODOX’s workflow notification will automatically send an email notification as well as an in-app notification indicating that you have been asked to approve a new document workflow, with the name of the user that created the workflow.

Document Shared Notification

Document shared notification tells you when documents, folders or document lists are shared with you by another user.

For instance, say your colleague has shared multiple folders and you want to check which folders they have shared. The document shared notification displays which documents or folders have been shared with you, and the name of the user shared the documents.

Task Assigned Notification

Task assigned notification notifies you when a certain task is assigned or reassigned to you by another user.

For instance, say there is a pending task assigned to another user that needs immediate attention. Your supervisor has the option of pausing the task or reassigning it to you. If the supervisor reassigns the task to you, you get a task assigned notification telling you that a new or pending task has been assigned by the supervisor.


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