Preview of Word, Excel and Power-point files using MS Office export
If you do not wish to use the default MS Office viewer in GLOBODOX, you can now preview Office files in GLOBODOX using the MS Office export method. Unlike the default method, for the new method to work, you will need to install MS Office on the server and on all the machines on which GLOBODOX is installed. This is also supported in the Web Client.
System default viewer option removed for MS Office files.
This option has been removed as it has been replaced with the more stable method described above.
You can now set a default DB for all users at once.
Though each GLOBODOX user has always been able to set a DB as default for themselves, there was no way for the superadmin to specify a DB as default for all the users. This has now been added. Users with the superadmin role will be able to perform this task.