GLOBODOX Registration method changed for Client install
In previous versions of GLOBODOX, users had to apply their Registration key on every single machine on which GLOBODOX Desktop client was installed. This was cumbersome for customers with large installations of GLOBODOX Desktop client. From this version onwards, you will only need to apply or update the Registration key on the Server machine.
Web Client config folder path changed.
Previously, the config folder used to be “C:inetpubwwwrootglobodoxwebresourcesdmssdkconfig”. From this version the config folder is same as that used by the Desktop client i.e “C:ProgramDataITAZGlobodox” folder. That means you no more require to copy the multi-user or the registration files to the Web Client folder.
Ability to turn off automatic search and highlight in documents
We have added a new option in the Options Dialog – Systems Options to control automatic search and highlight in documents after a quick search.