

LDAP Utility Enhanced

The LDAP utility has been enhanced to enable searching and adding of users.

Advanced Upload Dialog in GLOBODOX Web Client

An advanced upload dialog has been introduced in the Web Client. This allows simultaneous uploading of multiple files including large sized files.

Disable Document Actions during Workflow

You can now decide if you want users to perform actions on documents while those documents are being routed in a workflow.

Restrict Manual Publishing

You can now restrict users from publishing a draft document, unless it is routed and approved via an Approval workflow.

Approve Documents over Email (Optional Paid module)

When you receive an email message with an Approval Task you can now simply reply to that email with the words Approve or Reject to Approve or Reject the task.

Preview of CAD files (Optional paid module)

You can now preview CAD files using GLOBODOX.

New Workflow Management Console

A new Workflow Management Console has been introduced to search, pause and terminate workflows.

Support for MySQL v8

GLOBODOX now supports MySQL v8.

Merge Documents (PDF only)

You can now merge two Documents in GLOBODOX. Documents being merged must have the same Document Type and only PDF files are supported for now. Meta data for the documents being merged can be combined in any way. In other words, metadata for the merged document can selectively contain data from either of the documents being merged.

Workflow – Attach Document to External Email

When documents are routed for approval,, GLOBODOX Workflow can send messages to the users involved. These messages can be internal GLOBODOX Messages which contain links to the documents being routed. Or they can be external email messages (e.g. regular email accounts (Gmail, Outlook etc).

GLOBODOX Workflow would not attach documents to such external messages. It would only include links to the documents. However receivers of such messages would not sometimes be able to access GLOBODOX to view the documents. This could be because the GLOBODOX installation was not available via the Internet (for security reasons) or users were in remote locations with connectivity issues.

Starting from this version, Workflow can now attach the actual documents to the external email being sent. This way users can review documents offline and go online only to approve them or even approve via replying to the email.

By default documents are not attached to the external email when routed. You will need to enable this option. You can enable this option in GLOBODOX>>Options>> System Options>>Workflow. (This option will only be visible to users with Superadmin Role)

Use PDF file to create Zone Maps

You can now use both TIFF or PDF files to define Zone Maps (for automatic recognition of text from the defined zones for indexing), Previous versions of GLOBODOX supported only TIFF files.

Apply Zone Map to existing documents

GLOBODOX now lets you apply Zone Maps to existing documents in GLOBODOX (for automatic recognition of text from the defined zones for indexing).

In Previous versions of GLOBODOX, you could apply Zone Maps to documents only when they were being added (via scanning or any other methods). After a document was added there was no way to apply the zone map.

Route Folder/Tag

You can now Route a Folder or a Tag for Approval via GLOBODOX Workflow. This makes it easier to route an entire category of documents without having to choose them individually.

The set of documents within a Folder or Tag can either be approved or rejected. You cannot perform approval or rejection on individual documents within a folder/tag that is routed.

Email a document along with metadata

Previously whenever a document was emailed from GLOBODOX, the Compose Window of your email client would be launched with the document attached. The body of the email would be blank.

If the Document you are emailing has a Document Type, there is now an option to enter data from the fields of the Document Type in the email body.

This helps in the following ways…
1. Users receiving the email will have more information about the attached documents.
2. Users can search for the document in their Inbox/Sent Items based on the data rather than relying on just the name of the document.

When emailing multiple documents at the same time. (the document type data of each document will be included in the email content.

The default behaviour does not include the document type data in the email. You will need to enable this option from the Options dialog.


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