

Field Notification
You can now set email reminders for documents based on a particular date, for a Document Type or Stack Type. This can be done by specifying the DB Name, Entity Name, Field Name, Date Range and email ID in a config file in Program Files.

For e.g., Let’s say you have a Document Type called Invoice with multiple invoices and you want email reminders for all invoices with a due date falling within the next 15 days.[expander_maker id=”1″ more=”Read more” less=”Read less”]

To set this up, you will need to insert the following in the config file…

“database_display_name”: “MainDB”,
“entity_name”: “Invoice”,
“field_name”: “Invoice Due Date”,
“notification_period_in_days”: 15,
“globdoox_users_to_notify”: “superadmin, john”,

In the above example, you have specified the field name as “Invoice Due Date” and notification period as 15 days. Hence, GLOBODOX will look in the ‘Invoice Due Date’ field & send an email to for every invoice that is within the next 15-day period. You can also add multiple emails in the config file by separating them with a comma (,).

You now have access to a Dashboard for reviewing ‘Documents Added, Document Checked-in, Average Workflow Time, Average Workflow Task Time’ and more within a particular Date range. This feature is available for both Standard and Suite GLOBODOX users.

For e.g., If you want to see the number & type of documents added to GLOBODOX in the last 30 days, go to Dashboard, select Documents Added & choose the time period.

GLOBODOX will display the following;

Total number of documents added
Types of documents added (Invoices, Reports, Plans, Documents, etc)
Number of documents added within an individual type

If a document does not belong to any document type, it will be displayed under ‘Documents’.

Full-text Search in SQL Standard & MySQL
For MS SQL Server Standard and MySQL GLOBODOX now offers a much faster Full-Text Search feature.

For e.g., If you enable the new ‘Full Text’ search feature and enter a search term in the search bar, GLOBODOX will display a list of documents which contain the search term. For very large DBs you will notice that the search results will appear much faster than before.

A new Sample DB
With GLOBODOX v14, we ship a new Sample DB called ‘Great Goa Tours’. Great Goa Tours DB will be beneficial for new users who want a better understanding of GLOBODOX mainly since the comprehensive new Video Tutorials we are shipping are based around the Great Goa Tours DB.

 Video Tutorials
Along with the release of version 14 we are also launching a Video Tutorials section, which will have hundreds of tutorials about using GLOBODOX.This will be available on Youtube at and also on our website (URL will be shared on our blog)[/expander_maker]


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