Minimize the time required for data entry and indexing
Home / Industry Solutions / Accounting Document Management Software
No other business function revolves more around paperwork than the accounts department. Be it invoices, receipts, bills, balance sheets, financial reports, or budget sheets — each of these paper documents is critical to the business, not just to trace and control the flow of money but also to be prepared for regulatory audits. And hence, accuracy, efficiency, and security are of utmost importance while managing these documents, making GLOBODOX the perfect tool for the job. GLOBODOX is an accounting document management software that can enable your accounts team to expedite all your routine, time-consuming accounting processes with total accuracy and security so you can spend more time making money and less time tracking it. Here are a few ways in which GLOBODOX can help your accounting processes:
Filing hundreds or even thousands of documents in the form of invoices, bills, and receipts using conventional methods can be a real hassle — even if you have an entire team of accountants and bookkeepers. Besides, making your accountants spend a majority of their time filing and finding documents is not the best use of their skills and your resources. Using an Accounting Document management system like GLOBODOX can ensure that filing documents takes virtually no time so that valuable man-hours can be spent elsewhere. Here’s how GLOBODOX helps in maintaining accounting documentation:
Create document types to classify files based on content
Perform batch file scanning to convert multiple paper invoices to PDF at once
Minimize the time required for data entry and indexing
Give your accounts team more time for performing core functions
Accounts receivable and accounts payable processes mostly involve repetitive tasks that may require the involvement of multiple people in fixed sequences. Accounting tasks, like approving purchases, releasing funds, verifying bills, and filing these documents require different people at different hierarchical levels of the organization to give their inputs and approvals on documents. Performing these activities using paper-based workflows or even electronically using email and phone can take longer than they need to. Using GLOBODOX’s custom workflows can help you make these processes automatic.
Create custom workflows for accounts payable automation
Suggest changes or request clarification through annotations and comments
Send notifications to users to perform workflow tasks
Settle all accounts in time without delays
Audits, both those initiated by the internal stakeholders (e.g., the board of directors) as well as external regulatory agencies (e.g., the Internal Revenue Service) demand that businesses be prepared with all accounts-related documents whenever needed. GLOBODOX helps accounts teams to maintain all the requisite documents in a well-organized fashion to enable easy retrieval during audits. It safeguards these documents to detect and prevent any documentation-related malpractices that can land your business in trouble.
Maintain a continuous audit trail
Keep track of all the changes made to a document
Expedite audit processes
Prevent illicit document manipulation and forgery
Securing documents, especially important financial documents must be protected from those outside the organization as well as employees who do not necessarily need the information contained within them (e.g., contract workers or interns). GLOBODOX ensures that none of your sensitive documents get into the wrong hands, while also enabling you to share these documents with those who actually need them to expedite your accounting processes.
Industry-standard encryption to protect all your financial documents
Create security labels and groups to share documents securely
Prevent document access by irrelevant people
Apply multilayered security for all documents
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