Advanced scanning options allow bulk scanning
Home / Industry Solutions / Manufacturing Document Management Software
When you are in the manufacturing business, papers and files are the way how things are done. Invoices, purchase orders, bills of materials, standard operating procedures, work orders, inventory records, employee records, etc are just a few of the various documents that are generated during the manufacturing process. Maintaining these huge volumes of documents is a hidden cost that remains unaccounted for. But, there is a digital solution to all your document management woes – GLOBODOX! GLOBODOX is a manufacturing document management software that can organize, manage and retrieve your documents, bringing out a major positive change in how you conduct your business. Here is how it can help your business reach greater heights:
How sure are you that all of your employees spend their time on productive tasks only? With the traditional handling of documents come a lot of unproductive tasks which eat into your employees’ office time. Here is what GLOBODOX does:
Central repository for all documents reduces trips to the warehouse
Link, index and tag documents to reduce time spent on retrieval
Advanced scanning options allow bulk scanning
Simple interface, Drag and Drop file addition
Every manufacturing engineer is on a constant lookout to improve their unit’s process cycle time while still maintaining costs and quality. GLOBODOX can help you achieve that with its complete workflow integration.
Customize workflow with Workflow Designer
Workflow integration allows you to automate order approval processes with ease
Receive auto-updates and notifications on the customized manufacturing process workflow
Digital signature and stamps for documents
Availability of the right information at the right time can help you with business decisions that will take your organization forward. In case of a breakdown or bottleneck, it is the quick access of data at hand that can solve the issue which is difficult if you manage your documents traditionally. Here is how GLOBODOX can change that:
Keep track of every inward communication through auto-email and attachment capture
Easy document sharing options to boost inter-departmental communication
Resolve product or consumer issues with easy access to documents through advanced searching options
Secure on the go connectivity with GLOBODOX mobile app to keep you informed all the time.
You can easily consider GLOBODOX as a virtual safe which cannot be cracked at all. Data integrity is a manufacturing organization’s topmost concern and here is how GLOBODOX delivers it.
Hierarchical user groups for document access control
Windows Active Directory integration aids in document security through secured log-in
Maintain documentation standards with the event logging feature
Facilitates easy backup and recovery of manufacturing data
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