Edit a Document

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You are here: Documents >Edit a Document

You can edit a document in its associated application by clicking the Open button in the Home tab.
For example:
Let's say that you want to edit .doc files, by selecting the Edit using Associated Application option, the .doc files will open in MS word.

To Edit a Document in its Associated Application

1.Select a document from the List View pane.
2.On the Home tab click the Open drop-down and select the Edit in Associated Application option, or right click the document in the List View pane and select the Open > Edit in Associated Application option from the popup menu.
3.You can also click the Edit button on the Image toolbar to edit a document. Using the Image Editor window you can resize, crop and rotate a document. You can save the modifications made to a document from the Image Editor.
If you use any of the Edit options to try and edit a document which is in the checked out state, then Globodox will not allow you to open the document unless you were the user who checked out the document. If you were the user who checked out the document, then when you use any of the Edit options, Globodox will try and open the checked out copy of the document (from your Checkout folder) for editing. For more information, see Document Check-in/Check out.


In the Document details window the icon of the associated file type of the document is displayed on the right hand side of the window. You can click this  icon to open the document in its associated application.
Globodox supports the preview of most image file formats. You can manage files of any format using Globodox. Files which have a format which Globodox cannot display using it's internal viewer can be opened for viewing in their associated application (for e.g. .DOC files in MS Word) by clicking the Click here to open the document in its associated application link in the Display pane of the Document Details window.
If you double click a document in the Document List it will be opened in it's associated application if the built-in Globodox viewers cannot display files of that type.
You can also select an application to edit a document, to do this select the Edit in Selected Application option. For e.g. Lets say that you want to edit .bmp files, by selecting the Edit in Selected Application option, you can choose an application for e.g. MS Paint to edit the file, instead of using the default application.


Related Topics
Document Details Window


Page URL: https://www.globodox.com/support/help/index.htm?edit_a_document.htm