What are Stacks and Stack Types?

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You are here: Stack Types >What are Stacks and Stack Types?

Sometimes there is need to group related document together. For example, you may be managing documents for multiple projects and might want to quickly access all documents for a particular project. There are several ways to do this in Globodox...

You could create a folder for each project and put all documents in their respective project folders.
You could tag each document with the project name.
You could create a field called Project Name in each Document Type you use.


All the above three methods will help you quickly locate documents by project name. But what if you wanted to also store additional information about each project, such as Project Start Date, Project Manager, Project Type etc.? The above three methods would not work well in that case. Stack Types are meant to handle such situations.
For the above example, you could create a Stack Type called Projects with indexing fields such as Project Name, Project Start Date, Project Manager, Project Type etc. Now for each project you can create a new stack of the type Projects and add each project's documents to its stack.

Please note that each document added to a stack can still have its own Document Type, its own set of tags and can even reside in a folder. You can define as many Stack Types as you want.

Other possible applications for Stack Types are...

Law firms can create a Stack Type called Cases with indexing fields such as Case Number, Case Title, Client Name etc. Each Case stack would contain documents related to that case.
Healthcare firms can create a Stack Type called Patients with indexing fields such as Patient Name, Date of Birth, Gender etc. Each Patient stack would contain documents related to the patient (e.g. X-Rays, Lab Reports, Prescriptions etc.)
An organization's human resource department can create a Stack Type called Employees with indexing fields such as Employee Name, Designation, Department etc. Each Employee stack would contain documents related to the employee (Photograph, C.V., Certifications etc.).

You can also use Stack Types if a group of documents must share the same indexing information.

You can also use Stack Types if you just need to store some data without wanting to relate any document to this data.

Related Topics

Create a Stack Type

Add Stack to a Stack Type
Relate a Stack to a Document



Page URL: https://www.globodox.com/support/help/index.htm?what_are_stacks_and_stack_types.htm