How to apply a signature in GLOBODOX

How to apply a signature in GLOBODOX


How to apply a signature in GLOBODOX?

To apply a signature in GLOBODOX, you will first need to create a signature. To create a signature, click on ‘Tools’, click on ‘Template manager’, click on ‘Stamps and signatures’ and click on ‘New’. Give a name to the signature and choose the ‘stamp type’ as signature. You can either choose an image as your signature, or create a signature using custom text. With custom text, you can select the signature’s font, font size, color, and also give the signature a custom border. Once your signature is created, click on ‘Save and close’.

To apply a signature on a document, select the document and click on the ‘Signature’ button in the ‘Annotations’ toolbar. Then simply drag & drop the signature at the required location on the document. The signature will be applied on the document.


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