How to create a document type and how to add documents to a document type

How to create a document type and how to add documents to a document type


What are document types & how do they help?

Users can sometimes put documents in wrong folders, or add duplicate tags with different spellings. Also Folders and Tags are not very flexible in cases where a document needs to be categorized in multiple ways. Document Types are a superior method of organizing documents. Defining a document type lets you categorize documents based on their content, for eg: receipts, contracts, invoices, etc. You can also add custom indexing fields to every document type like date, amount, vendor name, payment method, etc. And also define the type of data that can be entered in each indexing field, for eg: date in the ‘date’ field, numerical data in the ‘amount’ field, text in the ‘vendor name’ field, and cash, cheque or card in the ‘payment method’ field.

How to create a document type?

Before you create a document type, you need to ensure two things:

No other user is connected to the connection manager, while creating or modifying any document type

Only users with the permission to manage DB schema (Roles – Other Privileges – Manage DB Schema) can create or modify a document type

To create a new document type, go to document types in the DB settings column, and click on new. You can then enter the details of your new document type in the information tab, like its name & description. You can also create custom indexing fields for your document type in the fields tab, and you can also give every field a name & define the type of data that can be entered in each field. For eg: Date in the ‘date’ field, text in the ‘vendor name’ field, and so on. For fields such as invoice number, you can allow GLOBODOX to lookup the invoice number via OCR.

What are document types & how do they help?

Users can sometimes put documents in wrong folders, or add duplicate tags with different spellings. Also Folders and Tags are not very flexible in cases where a document needs to be categorized in multiple ways. Document Types are a superior method of organizing documents. Defining a document type lets you categorize documents based on their content, for eg: receipts, contracts, invoices, etc. You can also add custom indexing fields to every document type like date, amount, vendor name, payment method, etc. And also define the type of data that can be entered in each indexing field, for eg: date in the ‘date’ field, numerical data in the ‘amount’ field, text in the ‘vendor name’ field, and cash, cheque or card in the ‘payment method’ field.

How to add documents to a document type?

To add documents to a document type, select the document type from the navigation panel, click on the ‘Add from disk’ button above the navigation panel, choose the document you want to add, and press enter. Once the document is added, you can go to the information tab and fill up the document’s details, like payer name, invoice amount, etc.


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