GLOBODOX lets you ‘Archive’ documents & stacks that you no longer need for day-to-day work, for safekeeping. By default, GLOBODOX archives documents & stacks in the same DB they are stored in, but you can also choose to archive them in a different DB within GLOBODOX. Please note, only the documents of a document type can be archived. Once a document or stack is archived, no changes can be made to them
How to restrict users from viewing documents in the Archive DB?
To restrict users from viewing documents in the Archive DB, you will first need to login as the Superadmin. Once logged in, check which security label has been applied to the Archive DB. To check the security label, click on ‘DB List’ under system settings and double click the Archive DB. Once you know which security label has been applied, click on ‘Security labels’ under system settings and double click the security label you want to make changes to. Add the users you want to restrict from viewing the DB to the user list, uncheck the ‘View’ permission for the users, and click on ‘Save & close’. The users will no longer be able to view the documents in that Archive DB.