Restrict users from adding, modifying, deleting tags

Restrict users from adding, modifying, deleting tags


What are tags & how do they help?

Tags are additional metadata that you can add to your documents, to differentiate documents from one another, and to find them faster when required. Let’s say you received an invoice for an advance payment, made to a client named XYZ, for the month of January. The tags for such an invoice would be ‘XYZ’, ‘January’ & ‘advance’. Once the tags are added, you can simply input the tags in GLOBODOX’s search bar, and all the documents containing those tags will be displayed in the results.

How to restrict users from adding, modifying, deleting or merging Tags?

You can restrict users from adding, modifying, deleting or merging tags, by creating and assigning them a role that prevents them from performing these actions. To create a new role, click on settings at the bottom of the navigation panel, go to the ‘Roles’ tab and open a role. To access tags related privileges, click on the ‘Other privileges’ tab & scroll down. Uncheck add, modify, delete & merge tag options, and save your role. Assign this role to one or more users of your choice, to prevent them from performing the restricted actions.


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